Elijah's Xtreme® Regret 𝘙𝘌𝘚𝘌𝘙𝘝𝘌 Hot Sauce
Made with the 3 hottest peppers in the world blended to perfection with a delicious pepper forward garlic flavor packed with 70% peppers.
999,999* Scoville Heat Units
Pure Pepper Heat - No Extracts
The 3 Hottest Peppers in the World: Carolina Reaper Habanero, and Trinidad Scorpion Peppers
Regretfully hot
Screaming super hot! It packs the fire of the two hottest peppers in the world, full of flavor and heat. Tomato base with a touch more of garlic to balance the heat of the Carolina Reaper and Trinidad Scorpion peppers. Your tongue will burn from the scorpion, your eyes will tear up, as the swear pours off your head. Your ears pop as the endorphins rush through you. Your throat feels the burn of the Carolina Reaper going down. The pain becomes unbearable, you feel like you just ate a burning hot coal… That's when you realize "XTREME REGRET!"
*Scoville heat units calculated by the percentage of raw peppers per bottle